Jala Joli - Tailwind AIJala Joli
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we wanna make an ecommerce website, and i need you to design the landing page, it should have a header,( logo, nav(home, products,contactus, aboutus), login/user profile, under it we have a good hero section, with a caroussel layout, without a horizontal scroll bar, it should have 3 slides, and 3 dots in the middle for navigation, under it we have the top sales products section, we display there 2 rows of 3 cards, under it we should have latest products added,, also 2 rows , 3cards per row, under it contactus , with address/email/phone and a contactus form, and under it aboput us section, and finally a footer with its copyrights and a footer nav, in this design, you should respect and use bes UI/UIX pratices and rules, be professional, creative, and attractive in the design, use the collors around the tone of(orange, white, black,), be mobile and desktop freindly (responssive)